Teledentistry In Miami, FL

Stop Your Dental Pain Today!

During these turbulent times our office will be following the Guidelines placed by the American Dental Association. We will be Open but with some modifications. Some of the changes you may see:

Less patients in the office as Dr.Amores and Dr.Martinez-Amores will be the only providers. The number of patients in the office at one time will be reduced; essentially creating private appointments.

Less Hygiene appointments available, we will be focusing hygiene on more emergent needs and try to keep up with patients so they do not fall behind on their Perio maintenance schedules.

We will be supplementing our decreased availability by doing virtual visits. TELE-DENTISTRY has arrived!!

Tele dentistry

At Amores Dental we have been working at telemedicine for the past year and a half. In June of 2019 Dr.Amores beta tested a telemedicine/teledentistry model. He visited a remote Indian village in Colombia and provided dental care to indigent patients: He pre-screened, using a tele-dentistry model, from Miami; and then arrived in the Indian Village and provided care on a “door to hut” basis; at the same time a Physician in Miami was providing remote medical care. Read the story @

Most patient visits can be initiated through remote dental care, “tele-dentistry”

It allows the doctor and patient to meet and discuss goals of treatment.

Many dental emergencies can be diagnosed, evaluated and scheduled more effectively once pre-screene

Surgical follow ups can be done via teledentistry.

Invisalign treatments can be monitored via tele-dentistry

To request a teleconference we will have a staff member available to chat 24/7.

On our website the chat button will be our portal to teledentistry. The staff member will gather information create and update the medical chart and give you forms to fill out. Once the Doctor has had time to review the information, a HIPAA compliant link will be sent inviting you to the virtual waiting room. At that point the Doctor will meet and discuss your concerns.

Request a consult: in order to schedule a consult with our dentist please fill out the medical history forms and allow us time to create you as a patient of record. Consultations are free but we must have you as a patient of record in order to do the visit. Our doctor reserves teleconference times for 8:30am 12:30pm and 5:30pm

In lieu of coming to the office for us to gather all the facts, in teledentistry you the patient will be providing much of the required information to help with the visit. These visits often act as a consultation visit and allow us to learn about each other to make the first visit as smooth as possible. You will be asked to take pictures, and fill out a questionnaire through an online secure HIPPA portal

Second opinions

We value the trust our patients place in us and finances are a friend referred you for second opinion. Please let us know how you heard about us and please Have any xrays, treatment plans or any relevant information available to upload for the visit.


For emergencies please be ready to describe the location of the pain as best as possible, the type of pain, excruciating, lingering, dull, hurts when I drink cold. Pain keeps me up at night.

If the tooth is broken or if a picture will help with diagnosis please try to take a picture before our visit and upload it.

Any information you can upload before the appointment will be helpful so the Doctor can review it prior to the visit.

Thank you for your help in this exciting and revolutionary process.

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Please call us at (786) 432-2549 if you have any problems with the form.
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