Green Eco Friendly Dentistry

October 26, 2022

Going green isn’t just good for the planet; it’s good for our patients as well. Green dentistry, according to the Eco-Dentistry Association (EDA), is “a high-tech approach that reduces the environmental impact of our dental practice and encompasses a service model for dentistry that supports and maintains wellness. Green dentistry reduces waste and pollution, saves energy, water, money, and uses technology to reduce waste and conserve resources.

Here are just some ways our office tries to do our part in keeping our patients and our environment healthy:

Digital X-Rays

Using digital imaging technology instead of conventional x-rays, not only exposes patients to 90% less radiation, but also eliminates the need for toxic chemicals associated with developing conventional x-rays.


Our records, radiographs, patient education, insurance claims, and patient correspondences (recalls/appointment confirmation) are done electronically, conserving paper any way we can.

Amalgam Separator

An amalgam Separator receptacle ensures sound disposal of old mercury fillings to prevent pollution to our local waterways.

LED Lighting

LED lighting is used on the dental chairs, on the dentist’s loupes (magnifying eyewear), and in the office. In addition to eliminating the inconvenience and expense of bulb replacement, LED lighting consumes 70-80% less energy than halogen technology.


Our office recycles cardboard, paper, plastic, and glass. This lessens roughly 75% of what would have gone in our land fill.


Green Dentistry:

  • Reduces Waste and Pollution
    You’d be surprised how much waste and pollution is generated by a single dental practice.
  • Saves Water, Energy, and Money
    It’s time for every industry to conserve resources, and dentistry has an important role to play.
  • Is High-Tech
    Many innovations on the leading edge of dental technology are also better for patients and the planet.
  • Supports a Wellness Lifestyle
    A growing community of consumers seeks dental professionals who share their values of personal and planetary wellness.
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