Dentures vs. Dental Implants: Which One Is Right For You? | Amores Dental

August 9, 2023

When you have a full set of teeth, things like eating and speaking come so naturally, you may take them for granted. Missing teeth can cause a variety of oral and overall health issues. This is why tooth replacement is so important.

Amores Dental offers a variety of tooth replacement solutions. The two most popular options are conventional dentures and dental implants. Both are viable options and have their own advantages and disadvantages. Here's what you need to know about these options.

Comparing Pros and Cons of Dentures and Dental Implants

When considering replacing missing teeth, it's important to consider the advantages and disadvantages of your options. Amores Dental offers several options, including conventional dentures and dental implants. The advantages and disadvantages of dentures and dental implants are as follows:

Advantages of Dentures

Conventional dentures offer several benefits including:

Boost confidence

Dentures fill in the empty spaces in your mouth, improving your appearance and your ability to speak- which boosts your confidence.


Conventional dentures are the most affordable tooth replacement option.

Improves bite/chewing force

When you are missing teeth, eating can be a challenge. Dentures improve your ability to bite and chew a variety of foods.

Improves speaking ability

When you have spaces between your teeth, it changes the way that air flows through your mouth. This can impact the way that you pronounce certain words and make enunciation difficult. Dentures fill those spaces, making it easier to speak clearly.

Can be long-lasting

On average, you can expect conventional dentures to last for 5 to 10 years.

Disadvantages of Dentures

On the other hand, conventional dentures have several disadvantages:


Dentures sit on the gums, which can cause pressure and friction sores.


Dentures tend to slip and slide around in the mouth- and may fall out while eating or speaking. You can use denture adhesive, but this is a messy solution that often causes more problems than it solves.

Requires adjustments

Without the stimulation from your tooth roots, your jawbone will continue to deteriorate, which means your dentures will not fit as they did when you first got them. You will need to have them adjusted every so often as your jawbone changes shape.

Advantages of Dental Implants

Advantages of Dental Implants

Dental implants offer many benefits, including:


Dental implants don't just sit on top of your gums/jawbone, they are inserted into the jawbone. This creates a stable base for your prosthesis.

Preserves jawbone density

The implant screw replaces the tooth root, providing the stimulation needed to keep your jawbone healthy and strong.

Improves speaking and chewing

Since implants behave more like natural teeth than other tooth replacement options, your ability to speak clearly and eat a variety of foods is improved.

Looks, feels, and functions like natural teeth

Dental implants have been labeled as the "gold standard" of tooth replacement because they look, feel, and function more like natural teeth than other options.

Disadvantages of Dental Implants

However, it's important to note that dental implants also have a few disadvantages:


The primary disadvantage of dental implants is the cost. The average cost of a single dental implant is around $5,000. This fee only includes the implant device and the surgical placement.

Oral Surgery

Dental implants require invasive oral surgery for placement. Unfortunately, this means that not everyone is a candidate for implants.

Time Requirement

Dental implants can take up to a year or more due to the various steps and the recovery time required between each one.

Cost of Maintaining Dentures vs. Dental Implants

Dental implants are the most expensive tooth replacement solution, at an average of $5,000 per implant. Conventional dentures, on the other hand, are a much more budget-friendly option. On average, you can expect to pay $1,800 per arch for conventional dentures.

Care and maintenance of dental implants is the same as caring for natural teeth. Simply brush and floss as usual.

On the other hand, dentures require a special cleanser and denture soak. Plus, you'll need a denture adhesive to keep them in place. Your jawbone will continue to deteriorate without the stimulation of your tooth roots, which means you'll need to have them relined or replaced every few years.

Process of Getting Dentures vs. Dental Implants

The first step to any procedure at Amores Dental is the consultation visit. This is when the dentist will examine your mouth and take x-rays and other necessary imaging. We will also discuss your goals and expectations for treatment.

Before moving forward, prep procedures will need to be scheduled. This includes extractions, gum disease treatment, bone grafting/sinus lift, and more. After that, we can move forward with the chosen tooth replacement option.


An impression will be made of the mouth to be sent to the dental lab. This is where your dentures will be fabricated. In the meantime, a temporary denture will be placed to make the transition to wearing dentures easier. If extractions are done at the same time, the temporary denture will also act as a bandage to protect the gums as they heal.

When your dentures are returned, we will check the fit and make any necessary adjustments. Then, you will be sent home with your new set of teeth.


For the first few days, you'll need to leave your dentures in. However, make sure that you rinse your mouth well with an antibacterial mouthwash. After a few days, you'll be able to take them out to clean them. Proper cleaning is critical for preventing bacteria and plaque buildup.

Dental Implants

Dental implants require oral surgery. An incision will be made in the gum and a hole drilled in the jawbone. The implant screw will be placed in the hole and the incision will be stitched up. If you are getting same-day implants, temporary implants will be placed at this time. If you are getting traditional implants, you will be sent home to heal for up to 6 months before returning for the placement of the abutment and then later, the implants.


Dental implants should be cared for like natural teeth. Brush at least twice and floss at least once daily. Use an alcohol-free, antibacterial mouthwash to prevent the buildup of plaque and bacteria. However, you'll want to be careful when cleaning around the implant until the jawbone has fused with it, otherwise, you may cause it to shift which could lead to implant failure.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Between Dentures and Dental Implants

When you trying to decide between conventional dentures and dental implants, it's important to consider things like:

  • Lifestyle
  • Budget
  • Personal preferences
  • Oral and overall health

You will have the opportunity to discuss these with the dentist during your consultation to help you decide which one is the better solution for you.

Schedule Your Tooth Replacement Consultation with Amores Dental Today

If you are missing teeth and considering your options for tooth replacement, schedule your consultation with the team at Amores Dental today. We can help you weigh the pros and cons of each to decide which one fits your needs, goals, and budget. If cost is a factor, we can help create a treatment plan that works for you. Plus, we do offer financing options to help make it easier to pay for your treatment.

Tooth Replacement FAQs

If you have questions and/or concerns about the tooth replacement options at Amores Dental in Dadeland and Palmetto Bay, we will be happy to address them. We believe that an informed patient creates a happy patient. Here are a few of the most common questions that we've gotten about dental implants and dentures.

  • Is it better to get dentures or implants?

    Both dentures and implants are effective solutions for missing teeth. However, dental implants offer a more stable and long-lasting solution compared to dentures.

  • Are teeth implants painful?

    Dental implants require oral surgery, so some discomfort is expected. However, thanks to advancements in anesthesia and dentistry as a whole, the process should not cause significant pain. If you do have excessive pain, swelling, and/or bleeding, it needs to be addressed. Call the clinic as soon as possible for an emergency visit.

  • Are teeth implants worth it?

    Dental implants are expensive. However, the benefits include improving your overall quality of life. Therefore, most dental professionals and patients agree that it is well worth the investment.

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